Friday, October 30, 2009

My Childhood Photos. Mommy always called me: "A cute little bastard!"

Dear old Mom is fixing to burn her house down for the insurance money so she brought some of my childhood photos by today. Damn, these pictures bring me back to my childhood. My earliest memories (like everything they are a little fuzzy though) is of mom shaking the shit out of me and saying, "Quit, crying you little bastard, before I beat you into a god damned coma!!!" Now I don't have any memories of my daddy on a account of mommy was never really too sure who he was. But she always told me to be real nice to uncle Billy Bob and cousin Joe Bob because they were a couple of strong possibilities. The below picture is of me, mom, and uncle Billy Bob (20 years before the fire arm accident and he became known as uncle three toes).

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